Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dambulla cave temple

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka
Dambulla cave temple also known as the Golden Temple of Dambulla is a World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka, situated in the central part of the country. This site is situated 148 kilometres east of Colombo and 72 kilometres north of Kandy. The entrance to the Rock Temple by the Kandy main road, it is 2 km to the Dambulla town. Dambulla cave temple is  Sri Lanka's Largest Rock Cave Temple built on a 600 feet high Rock.

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka
Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka
                The Dambulla Rock Temple had first been constructed during the rein of King Vattagamini Abhaya ( 103 BC and 89-77 BC ). The Sinhalese often call him as King Valagamba. During a South Indian invasion the king had to abandon his Anuradhapura Kingdom . For 12 years, King Valagamba was in hiding and had frequented these caves for his safety. After regaining the kingdom of Anuradhapura and becoming the King, to show his gratefulness for his safe place, he converted those caves into Buddhist Temples by constructing walled partitions under the rock overhang which spans the entire area as a single large cave. He got drip ledges made along this large cave and made it suitable to withstand rainy weather and avoided water seeping inside the caved areas. The three cave temples named as Devarajalena, Maharajalena and the Paccimalena were constructed by him.

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka
Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka

              After King Vattagamini Abaya's rein, for several centuries this cave temple had not come under the patronage of any other Kings until Vijayabahu I (1055-1110 AD ), who made Polonnaruwa his kingdom. He had done renovations to the Cave temples and it is believed that there were Buddhist monks dwelling in this and nearby caves at that times. King Keerthi Sri Nissankamalla (1187-1196 AD ) was much involved in uplifting the place with many additional Buddha images being constructed and gold plating some seventy three Buddha images in the cave temple.

          King Buwanekabahu (1372-1408 AD), King Vickramabahu III (1360-1374 AD), King Rajasinha I (1581-1591 AD) and King Vimaladharmasuriya I (1592-1604 AD ) are the other Kings merited with the uplifting of the status of the Temple at various times of the years gone by.



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